Sunday, December 30, 2007

back, maybe

Hey my loyal fans!!




Ok, so nobody reads this, I can at least pretend that people read this.

Well like all the blogs before this one, I lost track of it and haven't posted in about a years. Well I'm not giving up yet. So college is hard and I don't have much time, but I have a plan. I was in intro creative writing class this last semester and have been working on various progress.

That's right, over the next few week I'll be posting terrible essays, short screenplays, poor fiction, and the worst poetry ever ever. I'm not kidding, the poetry is very bad. but since nobody is reading this......

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Number One Hero

The Number One Hero is:


Points: 169

# of Voters: 10

Range: 20th - 1st place

Thug - “Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me, man!”
Batman - “I’m not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me.
Thug - “What are you?!”
Batman - “I’m Batman.”
-From 1989 Batman Movie

“It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”
-Batman from “Batman Begins

Oh yeah, the man himself. Some doubted, some thought he wouldn’t make do it. But he did. Batman made the number one Hero. Not exactly against all odd though, I mean he’s Batman, if he didn’t make it he would have come close. Every close. Then he’d send the people that got ahead of him to the hospital.

Batman is the coolest super hero, biggest BA, greatest detective, darkest, most clever, greatest crime fighter in DC Comics. He started way back out in 1939 and now is one of the most liked comic book heroes. The Character has starred in may comic books, televisions shows, cartoon shows, video games, and movies.

Our now Dark Knight had to overcome some great odds to get on top of the comic world. The largest one being himself. Early in his career as a comic character he was depicted in very childish comics. Though most all comic characters started out that way, not many of them shook it off to become as dark as Batman is. The character took another blow to his credibility during the 60’s when the Batman Television show aired. This show made Batman look goofy, weird, and anything but dark. Thought the show was good for a laugh, for a character to overcome that image and become a dark vigilante is a great achievement.

Batman is really Bruce Wayne, the owner of the billion dollar company Wayne Enterprises. He was born in Gotham City, the most crime infested city in the United State. His Parents were killed right in front of him by mugger. That event changed Bruce forever. He traveled the world learning all he could about marshal arts, acrobatics, escape artists, detective work as well as any skill he could master. He quickly became a master of many talents and he returned to Gotham. In Gotham he took up a cape and cowl, that covered most of his face and had a bat-like ears at the top, and called himself “Batman”. He used his talents and almost infinite resources to fight the crime in Gotham. He would use his image to cast fear in the hearts of criminal like no other hero could.

Batman is one of the greatest fighters in the DC world. With his marshal arts and a few throwing knives (batarang) he can take out a whole force of armed criminals. He also has an arsenal of other weapons gadgets, and vehicles that he invented himself. With these he can solve almost any problem he faces.

But Batman’s greatest weapon is his mind. He’s only human so super humans sometimes can get the better of him. But if he has time to prepare, or can escape for a second round (which he can always do, he’s batman) no one stands a chance. He can outsmart anyone and always finds a way to defeat his foe. Foes which once even included Superman (yes, Batman did defeat Superman in “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns”). Batman is also one of the greatest detectives in the world. He can solve any case and find any criminal. Bats uses his brain in all situations. His intelligence makes him equals with some of the most powerful super heroes in DC. Which is why he is a dominate figure in the Justice League.

He’s Dark. He’s cold. He’s clever. He’s cool. Batman just rocks. Batman in number one.

Number One Villain

The Number One Villain is:

Darth Vader

Points: 174

# of voters: 10

Range: 9th - 1st place

Note: Darth Vader got the most poinst from both lists, making him the Total #1

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
“The circle is now complete. When I met you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master.”
“Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed; the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.”
“Only your hatred can destroy me.”
“All too easy.”
"You have failed me for the last time, Admiral"
-Darth Vader from the Star Wars Movies

With no surprise, Darth Vader beat out every other villain in this event, even getting more points than the top hero. And why wouldn’t he, he’s Darth Vader! Vader’s character started in the first (sorry, fourth) Star Wars Movie “The New Hope” as the brutal right-hand-man of the galaxy’s evil empire. He was played by the 6 foot 7 actor David Prowse and was given a deep, powerful voice by the legendary actor James Earl Jones.

He wore all black (as a good villain should) which included a long, menacing, black cape. His head and face was covered in a helmet and breathing mask. His mask was hooked up to a breathing system which kept him alive as well as constantly making a machine creepy breathing sound. He had mechanical organs and limps integrated with his body do to injuries of the past. With all this, his appearance made him look evil, frightening, and inhuman. Good qualities of a great villain.

Even though he looked cool and menacing, it was more what he did that made him evil and a great villain. He worked for the Empire and did what ever needed to be done, in the most brutal fashion. He killed when ever necessary (and sometimes not necessary), which included his own men (5) and even children (3). Darth Vader, is a cunning and commanding villain. He sets the traps, makes the deals, conquers the galaxy in his own way.

Though he is a terrific general, he is a even greater warrior. He piloting skills were said to be unmatched, his light saber swordsmanship was nearly unrivaled, and his power with the force was supreme (excluding the empire). With these talents he made a name for himself killing off the protectors of the Galaxy, the Jedi.

Though he started out was quite a nice guy. He was a kind boy named Anakin Skywalker (1), who grew up to be a great Jedi. He even felling love and got married (2). But the quest for power lead him to the dark side and he became a Dark Lord of the Sith (3) (Note: not a Dork Lord or the Steve). He became Darth Vader, the badest of the Bad. Though I wish George Lucas make the transition between Anakin and Vader less abrupt; one minute he’s working for the Jedi, the next, he’s killing little Jedi children. But that’s not the only thing that I wish Luca did so we‘ll forget that for now.

Though Vader good at first and was redeemed in the end of the series (6), he still was the evil power that made the series great. Don’t believe me? You don’t see Luke or even Han on the list do you? The character in the series we really remember is the walking-life-support-system, red-light-saber-wielding, black-cape-wearing, chokehold-using Darth Vader. Darth Vader is number one.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

2nd Hero

I would like to take this moment to laugh at DM.


Too bad DM

And the 2nd Hero is:


Points: 142

# of voters: 9

Range: 10th - 2nd place

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. One of the most popular costume crime fighters in Marvel Comics. A hero to both children as well as adults. The character started as an idea in 1962 but he got his own comic series a year later. Even today his comics are a good seller. I know some people don’t like the new Spider-Man movies but I say we forget about that for now and focus on the cool Spider-Man from the comic books.

He has abilities similar to spiders (go figure). He has super strength as well as super agility. Spidy also has the ability stick to walls and ceilings. Another power is his Spider Sense (no, he can’t see ghosts). With that power he can sense danger before it happens. Spider-Man also invented a tool called a Web-Shooter which can shoot a spider web like substance. With the spider web, he can tie things up or swing through the city. Spider-Man swings through New York City in a red and blue custom and mask.

Spider-Man is really Peter Parker. Peter was a high-schooler, but not an ordinary high-schooler; he was a nerd. A big nerd. But that all changed when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. The bite became more than infected, it gave him superpowers (I need to find that spider). At first he used his powers in wrestling to gain money for himself. He wore a mask to hide his identity and started calling himself Spider-Man. He became selfish and even argued heavily with his Uncle, Uncle Ben. One day he saw a crime in progress but chose to not use his powers to stop the criminal. Later he found out that that same criminal killed his Uncle. After that moment, he chose to live by the words of his Uncle, “With great power comes great responsibility.” From then on he became a crime fighter and super hero.

Which leads me to my first reason Spider-Man is cool; he is always fighting to do what it right. He will always fight for what he feels is right and not cross the line into doing something wrong. In fact, he won’t touch that line with a ten foot pole (most of the time). It is part of his continuing struggle, what is the right thing to do? It is a difficult path but it is one that Spider-Man chooses to take.

The next reason Spider-Man is cool is because of his powers. Who ( at lease when they were a kid) wouldn’t want to swing through the streets of New York? His powers are just cool.

Other reasons Spider-Man is cool? In the comic book, it is his attitude while fighting. Most super heroes will go and fight very seriously. That is because the situation is serious. Though Spider-Man deals with Serious situations, he tends to deal with it with a sense of humor. He fakes fun of his foes as he fights them, making then hate him even more.

Character flaws? The Spider-Man in the new movies skips to stupid music. Also he took off his mask during the Civil War story. Now the whole world knows he is Peter Parker. Not very smart Spider-Man.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

2nd Villain

And the 2nd Villain is:

The Joker

Points: 139

# of voters: 9

Range: 13th - 1st place

“I have given a name to my pain, and it is Batman.”
“Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight?”
The Joker from the 1989 Batman movie

The Clown Prince of Crime, The Harlequin of Hate, The Ace of Knaves. Some characters got on this list because they are somewhat clever, but this villain makes the list because he is completely insane. The Joker is one of Batman’s most morbid, reoccurring, devious, and crazy foe. He started in DC Comics in 1940 in one of the first Batman issue. This crazy and villainous clown because quite popular and even is today. He is almost as well known as Batman himself. The Joker is a crime ‘mastermind’ (if one can be a mastermind and insane at the same time) in the streets of Gotham City.

Joker started his criminal career as the first Red Hood. When trying to escape Batman, he fell into a large vat of chemicals (like other Batman villains). He survived but his skin was now white, his hair green, his face with an huge grin, and totally, completely, and utterly crazy. He now loves the pain of others and hates Batman with a passion.

The Joker is most certainly evil, and he doesn’t need a reason to be. He just is, and he likes it that way. He murders just for the fun of it and enjoys it when he causes suffering. Though he is indeed completely off the wall, he is also smart and clever. He is a tricky criminal. He can pull a great heist as well as lay a good trap. Joker has caught Batman and other heroes off guard numerous times. He manipulates events and people into causing the havoc he wants. Whenever the Joker is around, there’s trouble. But you can never tell what kind of trouble. He is as Unpredictable as he is insane.

No one but the Joker can put a city in danger and make it look humorous. Other than being Batman’s greatest foe, the Joker rocks because he’s just such a fun character. He’s so insane its funny and entertaining. We can’t like him because he’s a murderer but, even more so, we can’t spot liking him because of his crazy criminal clown attitude. He’s entertaining, funny and a great villain.