Thursday, March 8, 2007

9th Villain

Now the ninth villain is:


Points: 53

# of voter: 5

Range: 15th - 4th place

Now those who saw the George Clooney’s batman movie “Batman & Robin” might be wondering why Bane would even be considered to be on the list. And right they would be, if they only saw that movie. There, he was only a muscled henchman who didn’t even have the capability of speech and served no purpose to the plot of that already horrible movie.

With that said, I’d like to note that Bane in the comics and Cartoon shows was a much, much (infinitely much) better villain. Because he was in his best in the comics I will be referring to that Bane.

Bane is a DC Comic villain and one of Batman’s greatest foe. Bane spent most of his life in a foreign (to America) prison. There he spent his time building his strength and mind. He built up his body to become beyond normal strength. He learned to fight from the best teachers the prison had to offer and from spending his life constantly defending himself. So he’s a tough guy, but what most people don’t know is that his greatest weapon is really his mind. He spent most of his time reading anything he could get his hands on and learning about the world and about crime from the other inmates. He soon became ‘king’ of the prison. The guards noted that Bane was running the inmates and tried to get rid of him be forcing him to be a test subject for scientific research. Injecting something called Venom into his system, Bane almost died. Yet he survived what killed everyone else exposed to it. The Venom increased his already powered strength giving him superb muscle power. The Venom needed to be injected every day to keep him alive so he made a mask and had tube to go the back of his head to continually inject the Venom.

Bane escaped the prison with his newfound power and set his sights on ruling Gotham’s underground crime. With his strength and brain he could easily do it but there was one thing in his way, Batman. Now this is what Bane is most famous for, defeating Batman. Now Bane’s strong but Batman took on strong people before, here’s where Bane’s genus comes in. He figured out who Batman was (which is an accomplishment in the DC world). Then Bane destroyed Arkham Asylum’s walls releasing the cities worse criminals. It took Batman three months to recapture them all, making him completely exhausted. After Batman finished cleaning Bane’s mess, Batman returned to his Batcave to find Bane waiting for him. In his beat up, tired form, Batman was no match for Bane and Bane broke Batman’s back, taking him out of the crime fighting business. Bane ruled the city until a new Batman defeated him. Don’t worry kids, the old Batman was back on his feet eventually.

From then on, Bane was referred to as the man who beat the Batman. Whenever DC needed to great enemy in Gotham, he was the horrible force they could use. Whenever he showed up, things were at their worst.

There you have it. Why Bane is on the list. Anyone with a win over Batman is a good villain.


Anonymous said...

Destro! How did this oaf beat me by one point! I'm Cobra Commander! Do you realize how many action figures have been made of me! So this guy broke the Batman! I think that was just a bunch of propoganda trying to keep me out of first place! I don't think that this guy could break wind!

Anonymous said...

Cobra Commander, I believe I read that particular issue of the Knight Fall story line (A favorite in the Cobra Latrines) and I think that it is clear that his victory over the Batman was a fluke! He beat an already beaten Dark Knight and for that he gets spot number 9? This is a conspiracy. I cannot help but feel that Zartan is somewhat responsible for this autrocity! Cobra!