Wednesday, April 4, 2007

2nd Hero

I would like to take this moment to laugh at DM.


Too bad DM

And the 2nd Hero is:


Points: 142

# of voters: 9

Range: 10th - 2nd place

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. One of the most popular costume crime fighters in Marvel Comics. A hero to both children as well as adults. The character started as an idea in 1962 but he got his own comic series a year later. Even today his comics are a good seller. I know some people don’t like the new Spider-Man movies but I say we forget about that for now and focus on the cool Spider-Man from the comic books.

He has abilities similar to spiders (go figure). He has super strength as well as super agility. Spidy also has the ability stick to walls and ceilings. Another power is his Spider Sense (no, he can’t see ghosts). With that power he can sense danger before it happens. Spider-Man also invented a tool called a Web-Shooter which can shoot a spider web like substance. With the spider web, he can tie things up or swing through the city. Spider-Man swings through New York City in a red and blue custom and mask.

Spider-Man is really Peter Parker. Peter was a high-schooler, but not an ordinary high-schooler; he was a nerd. A big nerd. But that all changed when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. The bite became more than infected, it gave him superpowers (I need to find that spider). At first he used his powers in wrestling to gain money for himself. He wore a mask to hide his identity and started calling himself Spider-Man. He became selfish and even argued heavily with his Uncle, Uncle Ben. One day he saw a crime in progress but chose to not use his powers to stop the criminal. Later he found out that that same criminal killed his Uncle. After that moment, he chose to live by the words of his Uncle, “With great power comes great responsibility.” From then on he became a crime fighter and super hero.

Which leads me to my first reason Spider-Man is cool; he is always fighting to do what it right. He will always fight for what he feels is right and not cross the line into doing something wrong. In fact, he won’t touch that line with a ten foot pole (most of the time). It is part of his continuing struggle, what is the right thing to do? It is a difficult path but it is one that Spider-Man chooses to take.

The next reason Spider-Man is cool is because of his powers. Who ( at lease when they were a kid) wouldn’t want to swing through the streets of New York? His powers are just cool.

Other reasons Spider-Man is cool? In the comic book, it is his attitude while fighting. Most super heroes will go and fight very seriously. That is because the situation is serious. Though Spider-Man deals with Serious situations, he tends to deal with it with a sense of humor. He fakes fun of his foes as he fights them, making then hate him even more.

Character flaws? The Spider-Man in the new movies skips to stupid music. Also he took off his mask during the Civil War story. Now the whole world knows he is Peter Parker. Not very smart Spider-Man.


R.C. said...

Spidy Rocks, regardless of what D.M. might eventually say

Anonymous said...

spider-fag likes men