Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tomorrow it the Deadline

Tomorrow is the last day to hand in the pair of lists. I have four list handed in already. I was hoping for a larger amount but I will still make the top project if I can get more than six. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem since I can count on at least two more people to turn in the lists as well and others claim to be making their lists. My original goal was ten to twelve but over half a dozen will be enough. Then it will still be a collectives opinion.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Misconception of terms and other items.

I know I’ve been calling the Top twenty deal a “event” but I don’t think that’s the right term. Event didn’t sound right but I couldn’t think of a better what of saying it. Now I’m second guessing myself; I think a better term might be project. But since no one will care, I plan to use both terms.

Another misunderstanding would be that I will post the ultimate list right after all the points are collected. This will not be the case. Instead, I will post each place individually, alternating the two lists. I will start with the twentieth place and work my way up. Each post will have the next place in line and a brief writing on who that person is and why he was probably picked. Therefore you will not know the winner until the end. I will try to post five posts a week and I plan to start about mid February.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rules for Top Hero and Villain Event

Ok, like I said before the next few months I will be posting the top twenty heroes and the top twenty villains. Sort of like a Blog event. Who will be in what place will be decide by everyone I know who is willing to pitch in. What each on us has to do is make our own two top lists. Here are the following rules that we will follow. I’d like to add that since this is just a small blog and nothing too important the rules are not to strict. Most of them are loose or vague rules. I am posting the rules so that readers will know that I did not just come up with the top twenty list on my own. There was a method to the madness.

Max and Min

Each up use must make two lists. One for our favorite heroes and one for there favorite villains. Each list must be put in order. That means that their first favorite must be in first, second in second, and so on. That means we need numbers or something that will show who is in what place. Each list must be at lease 10 places and can not go over 20 places. Again, the minimum for each list is 10 and the maximum is 20.


From there each hero and villain will be given points to see who will make the blog’s list. Just to do be precise, I’ll list the how each points go.
1st place gets 20 points,
2nd = 19,
3rd = 18,
4th = 17,
5th = 16,
6th = 15,
7th = 14,
8th = 13,
9th = 12,
10th = 11,
11th = 10
12th = 9
13th = 8
14th = 7
15th = 6
16th = 5
17th = 4
18th = 3
19th = 2
20th = 1
I know I didn’t have to go through all that trouble but I did anyway. It was for clarity. Anyhow, every hero and villain will collect their points from each list. For instance, If Spiderman is 1st on one list and 14th on a second, he will get 27 points from the two list. If Doctor who is 4th on the one list and 7th on the second, he’ll have 31 points. Therefore Doctor Who will be higher in place than Spiderman with the two list. After all the points are collected the top scoring twenty from each type of list will make it to the ultimate list.


If two or more heroes of two or more villains tie after all the points are gathered, I get to decide who is higher than the other one. I know it seems unfair, but this is my blog and know one will care anyway. There shouldn’t be too many tie toward the top anyway. The exception is that I will not make that decision for the top three alone. There will be a small vote between friends.

This is about Fictional characters

By now many people would wonder who will count of these lists. For the most part I recommend fictional characters. There are a few exceptions I will make if my friends insist on it but for the most part these heroes and villains are going to be taken from stores. Stores? That means anything. Books, television, movies, comic books. I have the right to omit anyone I think does fit the requirements or the spirit of this event. I will not omit anyone just so my favorite people will make it, I’ll be fare, trust me. When I omit a person, that person’s points will be just skipped over.

No political, historical, or religious people

I don’t care what you think about him, George W. Bush will be omitted from both the hero and villain list. Any person from history won’t count. Any political figure from anywhere in the world will be omitted. Any religious leader or figure will be omitted. Family members, friends, and personal enemies also do not count. Most celebrities will be omitted. Some celebrates will count if enough of my friends vote for them but they must have risen to legend. One example is Chuck Norris. There is enough “myth” about him online that he counts as a legend. I recommend that people do no do this though. Remember I have final word on who counts and who doesn’t. To be safe just keep it fictional.

Recommendation for villains

I recommend that we make our villains list on villains that we like rather than villains or characters we hate. This is over the best villain, not the crappiest character. Don’t put anyone on the villain list just because you do not like that person.

Not crossing characters over

Another thing I might omit is if someone puts someone that is definitely a hero on the villain list or vise versa. Some people will count for both lists like Venom, he’s been known to be both a hero and a villain. But if Superman is on a villain list, he will be omitted. If Lex Luther is on the hero list, he will be omitted. Even though Lex has done some good things in his life, for the most part he was definitely a villain. Again, I get the last word on who counts or not. Tough.


Certain groups will be counted together. For instance, the whole A-team will probably be counted together. This is because some small groups, where the people are associated mainly with that group, can be a hero to some people or be a considered some character’s villain. The main rule is groups with 2 or 4 members. This means we are allowed to put groups 3 o 4 members in one place. Like 5th place can go to the A-team. I will decide what groups will be but together when I see how everyone voted. If a lot of my friends wrote Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they will be grouped together for the contest. If none of my friends right Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but instead just list the individual members, I will not group them together. If I do, for example, decide the Fantastic 4 are going to be grouped and another list has the Thing as 6th place and the Human Torch as 11th, the higher place will be counted and the lower one will be omitted. I told you some of the rules a vague.


Since some Sci-Fi stories villains are different so I must make the races rule. Certain races can be placed in one spot as long as they are regularly used as a common foe for the heroes with not specific members. In other words, as long as they are referred to by their race instead of their leaders. These races can be put in one place, like the Borg in 15th place. Other examples are the Dalek, the Cybermen, the brood, the Xenomorphs and the Predators.


This list must be turned in by February the 1st to count. After that I will add up all the points and start posting both list from 20th place to 1st place.


If you are not one of my acquaintance and want to right up your own list for the event just write the two lists in the comments spot. To keep people from cheating, if there is lists on the comments that look alike or look similar to another list given to me, the whole list will be omitted. If you didn’t cheat and I omit your list I am sorry but I need to make sure that no one is taking an unfair advantage of this open invitation.

If there are any other rules that I forgot I will post it later.

those born unlucky

You’ve heard it said that some people are just born lucky. But if some people are just born lucky, are other people born unlucky? If so, would there be some sort of parallel between the number of lucky people and the number of unlucky people? An equilibrium of sorts, for everyone born lucky there must be someone born unlucky.

On that note, I just had the first two days of this semester. One of my good friends met a girl who literally just gave him her number, on the first day, in the first class, at about 8 in the morning. That’s a pretty good way to start the semester. My first two days of class? I hit my head twice, one each day, on the same pole. Now I could use this as evidence of my lucky equilibrium theory but lets be safe and just say I’m too stupid to avoid the pole the second time.

I know I’m supposed to post the rules of the up coming “event”, but I’ve been too busy with classes. I’ll try to get it done soon.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

First Event

Because I have previously failed at blogging, I’ve decided to do something a little special event to get me started. So, for the next few months I plan to post a series on

The Top Twenty Heroes and Villains!!!

This of course means the top twenty heroes AND the top twenty, two list, not one, two, double, 20 people on each of the two lists, 40 people in all, not 20, 20 heroes and 20 villains. Understand? I could make it more clear but I’m feeling too lazy.

Well, there might be more than 40 people on the lists. Some groups will be put together. The rules are someway vague. I'll post them soon.

These will be, for the most part, only fictional characters. It will be decided by a vote and point system done by some of my friends, associates, and myself. Rules will be posted shortly.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Greetings everyone bored enough to read this blog (you have my pity). Welcome to “Enter The Virus” where you will travel to the depths of the unusual and disturbing mind of a Dorki named the Virus. Brace yourself for ideas of sheer brilliance as well as post of complete and udder stupidity. Mostly the latter.

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, between genius and that lack therefore of. At the sign post ahead “Enter the Virus”!

This is my third attempt at a blog, the other two failed miserably; probably because I’m too lazy to post anything of importance. On that note, I’m off to play some f-zero!