Wednesday, February 28, 2007

12th Villain

Welcome to one of the greatest blogs of all time! (or a pretty good blog)

Still sick, couldn't spend too much time of this.

The 12th villain is:

The King Pin

Points: 49

# of voters: 4

Range: 15th to 5th place

Wilson Fisk is a short chubby legitimate business man in New York City in Marvel Comics. Or is he? He is always in New York City and he is in Marvel Comics, but he is no legitimate business man. He is really the King Pin, the head of New York’s Mafia with criminal ties all around the world. He is a criminal master mind that rules all, or most, of New York’s criminals. His team of lawyers keep him from getting a criminal record and they retain his business man appearance

He usually wears a expensive white coat, smokes cigars, and walks with a diamond cane. He looks like a fat guy and weighs around 400 + pounds. Though this, like his fake life, is a misconceptions. He has no super powers but most all of his 400 + pounds pure muscle. He also is a great street fighter. With these traits he can match such superhero’s such as Spider-man or Daredevil.

So why did the King Pin make the list? First off he is a genius who runs all of New York’s underground. He provides a great foe for Spider-man, Daredevil, and other Marvel superheroes. He uses his mind as his greatest weapon like all great villains should but is perfectly capable of fighting his foes hand to hand. The King Pin is one of the greatest evil mob bosses of all time.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

13th Hero

I'm feeling sick so I could spend much time on this as I wanted.

And the 13th Hero is:

Cloud Strife

Points: 50

#of voters: 4

Range: 12th to 5th place

Cloud Strife is the main hero of one of the most popular RPG games Final Fantasy 7. An X-military soldier turned mercenary, Cloud was hired to join a group of anti-government freedom fighters. Cloud was a reluctant hero that seemed to be far more skilled then others on the team. At first he was a bit cold hearted but eventually he became the leader of this band of outlaws.

But Cloud wasn’t who he thought he was. He thought he was part of an elite group of military force called SOLDIER with a man named Sephiroth. When Sephiroth found his true origins and went berserk, Cloud tried and failed to stop him from destroying a town. But the truth was that he was just a minor soldier that was caught in the middle between Sephiroth and his true SOLDIER partner Zack. After the incident, Cloud was captured by the government and experimented on. After his and Zack’s escaped (and Zack’s death) Cloud took on Zack’s memories and was used by Sephiroth as a puppet. But in the end Cloud found the strength to defeat Sephiroth.

So why do we like Cloud? Well the game was fun but the character had a few flaws. First off, he was no who he claimed to be. It was cool playing an x-elite soldier but then you had to figured out he was a fraud. Second he was used by Sephiroth. Sephiroth used the experiments that happened to Cloud to mess up his memory and take control of him. Cloud gave Sephiroth the very tool he needed to destroy the world. And finally, during the game, Cloud had to cross-dress to get into a certain area.

So why do we like this cross-dressign fraud? Because he’s cool. His attitude during the game was that of a cool and experienced fighter (except when he lost his control to Sephiroth). The very things he did were cool, wore black, rode a motorcycle, snowboarded and fought with a monster-huge sword (the Buster Sword). Though he failed often in the story, he always tried to make an amends for his mistakes. Even in future story lines, Cloud still can’t fully forgive himself for letting Aerith die. Yes he had a few flaws but a true hero has to rise above his fallbacks. Cloud found the strength to rise above all the obstacles and lead a team to save the world

Monday, February 26, 2007

13th Villain

Now here's the 13th place. Some people think 13 is an unlucky number but here it means that he made the list and is even ahead of 12 other villains. to this villain 13 is YOUR unlucky number.

And the 13th villain is:


Points: 48

# of voters: 5

Range: 18th to 5th place

Ganon or Ganondorf is the main villain in the video game series Legend of Zelda. Though he wasn’t in every game, when he does show up it means bad news. He severs as the arch nemeses for the series hero, Link. Dreaded by all, Ganondarf is a evil warlord that threatens all that live in the area of Hyrule and sometimes beyond. He is dark and mysterious, usually making his evil plans in secret; Ganondorf’s caries an evil and maniacal presents and is usual overly powerful.

Ganondorf’s origins vary from game to game, he usually is a warlord or a lord of thieves. His goals also vary but always consist of gain power over everything or taking revenge on the people that have stopped him in the past (or their descendents). His ultimate goal is to gain the whole Triforce, the ultimate power in all of Hyrule. In a game, he would either hide and plan in secret, revealing himself in the end when his plans have come together, or kick everyone’s butt the entire game until Link finally gets the power to defeat him (usually through a great and difficult battle). After being defeated, Ganondarf manages to find a way to come back in next game.

A great game series needs a great villain, and Ganondorf gives Legend of Zelda that villain. He is pure evil and pure power. He rocks because he can pull off the feeling of being your arch enemy. As you play the game you know he is evil and you know he’s out to get you.

Character flaws? He seemed to gain a few pounds in Wind Waker.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

14th Hero

the following statements are not the opinions of .... oh wait, yes it is. This is my opinion.

The 14th hero is:

Captain America

points: 49

# of voters: 3

Range: 7th to 3rd place

Captain America is a comic American-soldier and super hero. He started in Timely Comics in 1941 but later reappeared in Marvel Comics and is now one of the more familiar characters in the Marvel universe. His alter ego is American World War 2 soldier Steve Rogers.

Steve was the son of Irish immigrants and was born weaker then normal children. He became an adult at the same time World War 2 started. He wanted to join the fight against the Nazis but the military said he was too weakly built to join the US army. So instead he signed up to be a test subject for the US military (Now that’s devotion! Not that I would do that with our currant government, but this was back then that rocked). After some extreme training, under his weakness, Steve was picked to be the first soldier to go though Operation Rebirth. A scientist code named Abraham Erskine created a Supers-Soldier serum which would transform a person to the perfect physical form. When Steve was injected, he turned into the perfect soldier. His physical performance was above normal in all areas with heightened durance, flexibility, awareness, and senses.

After the project worked on Steve, Erskine was killed be an Nazi assassin. Since Erskine only had the serum in his head, it was lost forever. Only Steve Rogers would be transformed to the super-soldier. Steve Rogers vowed to defend the America people and joined the war as Captain America. He wore the whole superhero suit including a mask only the design on his suit was based on the American Flag and he used a shield as his main weapon. He fought well against the Nazis and became famous quickly. His presence upped the soldiers’ moral and the government used his image to help recruit soldiers.

At the end of the war, Captain got stuck in a new type of submarine that froze deep in the North Atlantic Ocean. The ice froze him and preserved him (with the help of the super-soldier serum that he took) for decades. Decades later, the Avengers, a Marvel superhero team, found him and unfroze him. The Captain joined the Avengers and later became the team leader. He uses his enhanced strengths, skills, and years of fighting experience to match the super traits of his new found teammates.

Captain is cool because he represents all that is good about this country. He fights solely for peace and freedom with no hidden agendas. He is honorable and respectable. The Captain is also liked because of his fighting style. He is only enhanced, he does not have amazing super powers so he has to use his skills to fight (I mean come on, anyone who can take out a whole squadron of soldiers with only a shield and his fists is awesome). He also uses military weapons like guns and grenade but he does is with such skill that impress reader.

Another reason Captain America rocks is because he fights for what he believes in and knows is right, not what he is ordered to do. He is often found arguing with his superiors (Nick Fury). He fights for the American people, not the American government. Don’t Believe me? What is he doing now? In the currant Marvel story Civil War, the US government wanted to implant chips into all superheroes so that they can be monitored. Captain America thought it was against the American rights and left the military and Avengers to fight against it. For freedom? Against chip implants? Captain America, you truly are our hero.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

14th Villain

Now back to my project already in progress

The 14th Villain goes to:


Points: 45

# of voters: 4

Range: 15th to 2nd place

Venom, not the poisonous substance, the Spider-Man villain and a Hero/Villain in Marvel Comics. Who is Venom? Venom is referred to as anyone who wears the venom symbiote suit (mainly Eddie Brock). Because I never really heard about the other venoms (Angelo Fortunato and Mac Gargan) I will be referring mainly to Eddie Brock’s Venom. The ‘suit’ is a symbiotic being that looks like black oil or slime, it can cover a person like a suit and increase that individual’s abilities and give him the power to alter his/her appearance. But the dark side is the symbiote will eventually attach to the person permanently, not only the person, but his/her mind. It will drive the person mad and very violent.

Spider-Man found the Venom symbiote on a world called Battleworld, he used it as armor and to enhance his spider powers. When he came back to earth, he noticed that the suit won’t come off and was turning him into a dark violent monster. Spiderman fought with the suit and used its weakness of sound (Also note that fire is another weakness of Venom) to separate the symbiote. This angered the venom suit and it searched for a different host. He found that host with someone else who hated Spider-Man, a man named Eddie Brock. Thus a new villain was born, one that hated Spider-Man will all his being. A crazy villain with no concern for others. Venom.

Since the Symbiote was once joined with Spider-Man, Venom has all Spidy’s powers only much more enhanced. This made him one of Spider-Man’s most feared foes.

Venom was so popular that Marvel eventually made him somewhat of a hero. Venom (Brock’s Venom) enjoys killing people, but after he makes his peace with Spider-Man, he becomes a protector of the innocent. Also an killer of whose he finds guilty. Venom now takes pleasure in killing those who harm the innocent.

But he wasn’t voted hero was he, or perhaps the fact that he is also a ‘hero’ makes him one of our favorite villains. All, or most anyway, other forms of Venom have been evil but there was a good side of Brock’s Venom no matter how twisted it was. Venom rocks because his very presence is menacing. He just looks like a monster and killer. Also the fact that he had the same power of Spider-Man made him look awesome. There are many other reason Venom is a great villain of one of our favorite and most remembered Spider-Man characters.

Top Heroes and Villains so far

Story so far

Top Heroes

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. ?
14. ?
15. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 49 points
16. Goku 46 points
17. Aragorn (Stryder) 43 points
18. Green Lantern 42 points
19. Spike Spiegel 41 points
20. Guybrush Threepwood 39 points

Top Villains

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. ?
14. ?
15- Dalex 44 points
16- Pinky and the Brain 40 points tie winner
17- The Master 40 points
18- Freddy Kroger 39 points
19- Borg 37 points tie winner
20- Liquid Snake 37

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

15th Hero

The 15th hero goes to an entire team. As stated in the rules, a small team can be voted together So the 15th hero goes to a team of four. The 15th place is:

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Points: 49

# of voters: 5

Range: 19th to 5th place

Note: Raphael got 14th place and Donatello got 5th place. Instead of the points going to them individually, they were just added to the whole team.

Who are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT)? Well, they’re four young adult metamorphosed shinobi testudines or exactly what they sound like. After four small turtles fell into the sewers of New York City, they got into some green ooze that transformed them into walking-talking infants (oh and it made then human size, or at the time, infant size at the time). An adult rat, named Splinter or Master Splinter, also mutated with them. This rat was a former pet of a ninja master so the rat new the ways of the ninja. The Splinter (now walking, talking and ‘old human’ size) became the turtles master and father. He taught the turtles the ways of the ninja and when the turtles were old enough, teenage, they secretly defended the city from evil.

Since they were turtles, they couldn’t interact with the outside world. They remained in the sewers only coming out at night to fight crime and eat pizza. Unlike ninjas we’ve seen before, these turtles acted more like teenagers and related to human teen popular culture. For instance they liked to skateboarding, listen to music, cracking jokes, make fun of each other, and eating pizza. The turtles weren’t only rockn’ ninja (and ninja are rockn’) they were also both cool and humorous. They also liked pizza.

Splinter named the four turtles after famous artists and each turtle wore a different color ninja mask and carried his own different ninja weapon.

Leonardo was, for the most part, the leader of the team. He took being a ninja very seriously, more than his brothers, and spent his time practicing. Yet he still had his own sense of humor. He wore a blue mask and had two swords (katana) as a weapon.

Raphael was the anti-hero of the team. He was rude most of the time and had a bad attitude. He was the lease merciful when it came to fighting and often disobey his orders. He wore red and carried two sai.

Michelangelo was the joker on the team. He took everything lightly and made jokes in almost any situation. He was generally the comical relief. He wore orange and usually carries two nunchakus.

Donatello was the brains of the outfit. He was the teams scientist and often invented things for the team. Though he two had a good sense of humor. He wore purple and carried a bo-staff. (Note: Don was my personal favorite because he was smart and had a bo-staff. Also because my siblings always chose to play the other turtles when we played TMNT as kids.)

The Turtles were popular in comic books, cartoon television show, movies, toys, and video games (also they were in Japanese Mangas and were in at least two anime episodes). I think I mentioned all the major reasons the turtles are cool. They were hip as well as funny. And most of all, they were modern day teenaged ninja, ninja are cool as it is, but teenager ninjas in New York are even better. The TMNT are also cool because they liked pizza.

Kowabunga Dude!!”

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

15th Villain

the 15th villain goes to:

The Dalek

Points: 44

# of voters: 3

Range: 10th to 1st place

note: first to be voted first place

- the Dalek

The second Doctor Who villain on the list, the Dalek are a worthy foe for the Doctor. The Dalek originated from a race called Kaled that mutated while they were in a Nuclear, Chemical, and Bio war with the Thal. An evil Kaled scientist named Davros re-mutated his race’s cells into a being that was mostly a brain then put each of them in a small tank-like dome. This Done was their travel machine that hovered, the only ‘limbs’ were weapons or a mechanical arm. Thus this tank like race was born, the Dalek (or you could go by the original origin in which case the Dalek created themselves after a short nuclear war).

The Dalek tank is a one-Dalek-army. Nearly invincible (don’t bring your M-16, bring the C4) each Dalek has its own high-powered blaster weapon and other weapons. They has various sensors all around their dome. The Dalek can hover though air and space, create its own force field, and hack into any computer. The Dalek race, and each Dalek, is highly intelligent and their technology is high enough to travel time.

There are no individuality in their race., each Dalek is like the other. They just keep cloning more Dalek and making more travel-machines-tanks (or make their slaves do it for them). They have only one emotion, hatred for everyone who is not a Dalek (also, the Doctor said that they later learned a new emotion. Because the Doctor continually defeated them, they learned fear. Fear of him). The whole race is brought together for one propose, take over the universe and exterminate everything in it except themselves. And they’re very good at what they do.

The Dalek are feared throughout time and space. Their cold inhuman nature and appearance makes them a great villain. They give a creepy atmosphere wherever they are (or a humorous one, either one is ok). Even the Doctor knows to run (not retreat mind you, he does win. He’s the Doctor) when the Delek approach. Another reason they rock is because they are cunning. Usually they will mask their presences until they are ready to invade. Even though they are not in any human form, they are still smart enough to recruit other life forms to aid them (until their usefulness has ended) and have secret operations and secret bases. They calculate their moves wisely and strike when victory is assured. Their craftiness, malice, and creepiness makes them the most popular villain in the series.


Monday, February 19, 2007

16th Hero

and the 16th Hero is:

Points: 46

#of voters: 3

Range: 9th to 3rd place

That’s right, Son Goku. Son Goku, or Goku for short, is the main character in the anime/manga series Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT (My friend says that GT stands for “Get Toriyama” because GT was horrible until they got the original creator, Akira Toriyama, to start writing again). All Goku wants in life is to be the greatest fighter of all time but he has a kind heart and is willing to help or defend others. He isn’t every smart and can’t understand the simply things of life (as a kid he couldn’t tell the difference between men and women. As an adult it took him time to make sure that 16 - 1 = 15). All he knows is how to study and train in marshal arts. As his studies grew they included weird arts that have to do with one’s life force or ki. These abilities included increase one’s strength, going super speed, fire energy blasts, and even fly.

Later he learned that he wasn’t human but was in fact an alien called a Saiyan. He was sent to destroy the earth as a kid but instead became kindhearted. After defeating other Saiyans to defend earth, Goku fought one super being after another, becoming stronger and stronger. At the end of the series he was powerful enough to destroy a planet if he wanted to (unfortunately, so could some new enemies).

Why is Goku a cool hero? Well one might argue that he isn’t because the series he is in is long and never to the point (3 - 15 episodes just talking and 5 - 25 episode just on one fight) but he originated in a Japanese comic, or manga, which had a faster pace to it. Goku is cool because of his power, wouldn’t you like to be powerful enough to make craters in the earth just by sneezing? Another reason is that he just has heroic qualities. One is his kindness but another in his mercy (which is related to his stupidity). You could destroy his home planet, a whole race right in front of him, and his best friend and he will still have mercy if you beg him (Freeza). Finally, he rocks because he is not that bright. His original stories were comedies based on the fact that he can fight but doesn’t know how the world works (he though a marriage was a kind of food). This comedy followed his entire career.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

16th Villain

the 16th place goes to:

Pinky and the Brain

Points: 40

# of voters: 3

Range: 13th to 3rd place

“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
“Uh, I think so Brain, but how are we gonna teach a goat to dance with slippers on?”
- Pinky and the Brain

Have you ever looked around at the world and pondered that it would be a better place if you were in charge of it? Do you stay up every night with another dork friend and devise new ways to dominate the world? Do you think you are a talking white mouse? Then chances are that you have heard about Pinky and the Brain. Pinky and the brain are two genetically altered lab mice with a goal, take over the world! They were one of the very funny cartoon segments in the show Animaniacs but was so popular that the two mice got their own television show. Brain was voiced by Maurice LaMarche and Pinky was voiced by Rob Paulsen.

Brain is super intelligent and can devise a new world dominating plan every night and invent almost anything he can think of (as long as he has the funding). Pinky is a cheerful yet mostly insane mouse who aids Brain, even though Pinky doesn’t have a clue what is going on. Together they make a hilarious world dominating duel. Though the Brain usually hacked a good yet humorous (example: become a country singer to brainwash the whole world) plot to take over the world, Pinky’s insanity and randomness usually makes to two fail, right before they were about to succeed. With no feelings hurt (maybe a punch or two) the two mice decide to try the next night.

How can you hate two lab mice who try to take over the world? Since they try to dominate the world, they made it on the villain list, but they are not evil. They didn’t want to hurt anyone to badly, they just wanted to rule the world. And is that so wrong?

“Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?”
“The same thing we go every night, pinky, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD”

Saturday, February 17, 2007

17th Hero

And the 17th hero is:


Point: 43

# of voters: 5

Range: 18th to 2nd place

Lets face it, our currant leaders are sponsored by and serve billionaires. For a long time we have not had an honest and noble leader. A lot of us wonder what it would be like to have a leader who was honorable and had the peoples interests in heart. Even thought he was a fictional character, Aragorn had those qualities. He was a leader we wished we had. (By the way, go to to find out how you can fight billion dollar elections. The link here.)

Unless you thought those small hobbits were the main characters in J. R. R. Tolkein’s books “The Lord of the Rings”, Aragorn was the main hero of the trilogy. Or maybe Boromir but that is another argument. In the Lord of the Rings, Aragorn was the heir to the thrown of the great country Gondor, but because his ancestor failed the kingdom (and the world, Middle-earth, in general), Aragorn was afraid that he, too, would fail as well. So instead he rejected the opportunity to take his rightful place and became a ranger under the name Strider. He roamed around the world keeping a close eye at the evil at hand. When the time came, he decided to help four hobbits on their quest to destroy the one ring that held the power of the most evil creator in their world, Sauron. When the hobbits broke away from the group, Aragorn got caught up in the struggle over Middle-earth and he was the only one who could save his people and unit Gondor. Aragorn fought his fears and lead his people from the certain doom to victor.

Aragorn has the characteristics of a true hero and a great king. He cares for his comrades and puts his life on the line to protect them, always putting others before himself. He amkes wise decisions quickly in times of danger and stands for what was right despite objections. Aragorn is both kind and stern. He fought his fears and succeeded where his ancestors failed.

Other reasons Aragorn rocks? Well being a ranger is cool enough as it is. Also, in the movie where he was played by actor Viggo Mortensen, he was seemed to be able to chop of an orcs head in the middle of battle with ease. And lets not forget that he stole the heart of an elf chick.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

17th Villain

And the 17th villain goes to:

The Master

Points: 40

# of voters: 3

Range: 14th - 2nd place

The Master was one of the major villains in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and one of the few men almost as smart as the main character, the Doctor. Like the Doctor, he is a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. The difference between them is the Doctor explores the universe, the Master tries to take it over. His original goal in life was to be the ruler on the universe and destroy the Doctor. His vessel was a TARDIS that could change its form to look like any surrounding. The TARDIS can travel both time and space. The master has the ability to control minds and can create various weapons including a weapon that can turn people into dolls, killing them (also humiliating them). The Character was played by the British actors Roger Delgado, Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers, and Anthony Ainley.

Time Lords can regenerate twelve time every time they are critically injured, but the Master was on his last regeneration. So after Roger Delgado role as the master, the master’s goal changed. His new goal was to keep himself alive at all cost and to even gain immortality. He would do anything for this cause, even destroy an entire planet. Now that’s evil and not to mention a bit selfish.

The master was sly and suave but still manipulative, murderous, and mad (both pissed and mad as in an evil mad scientist). The ability to be both evil and charming is a quality of a great villain. Another reason the master is cool is that he could go toe to toe against the Doctor in a battle of wits. Like I said earlier, not too many people in the universe can do that.

Character flaws, Anthony Ainley’s Master was a bit over the top in being the mad scientist (a bit too much “Whahahahahahaha!”). Also, only fans of the series have really heard of him. As you can see, I know fans of the series.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

18th Hero

the 18th hero is:

Green lantern

Point: 42

# of voters: 3

Range: 11th - 4th place

In the Brightest Day, in blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil’s might
Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light! - Green Lantern oath

One of the most powerful forces in the DC Comic universe. The Green Lantern refers to anyone who wields a green Power Ring. This ring gives the user the power to emerge green energy in almost any form he/she chooses. This green energy can take the form of a powerful energy blast or take any solid form (like a weapon or a force field). It can do almost anything including creating wormholes to travel the universe or surround one's allies in a green shield. Its only limited by the willpower and imagination of the user, though it does have a power limit that can be replenished by a green lantern (hence the name) that each one has.

The rings were created by the Dark Lord... oops, wrong ring, I mean the Guardians of the Universe in an attempt to bring order and justice to the universe. They then gave the rings to people that were noble enough and had enough willpower to wield them. After a Green Lantern dies, the ring will seek out a new noble master. The Guardians direct the Lanterns to bring order and peace to their sector of the galaxy. When the Green Lanterns are together, they are referred to as the Green Lantern Corp.

The Green Lanterns of earth included Allan Scott, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, and Jade. Others from earth also wore the ring but only had it for a short time.

Why is the Green Lantern cool. Well for one, he/she is a very powerful force. Together, the Green Corp is almost unstoppable. Green Lantern ranks as one of the most powerful members of the Justice League; right up there with Superman. Another reason is that his powers are a bit different than the usual Flying + Super strength. Instead of just flying, he surrounds himself in a green force field and takes off or he might summon a plane, bird, or even dragon (All green of course) and have them fly him somewhere. That brings me to my niext point, Lantern is cool because he is unlimited in his power and fighting style. Not only that, he is unlimited in character. Because there are more than one of them, you can choose which Lantern you like best or the one you relate to the most. They are also not limited to earth stories or earthling characters. The Green Lanterns travel the universe taking us to new worlds. (and now for the overstatement of the post. I need it to bring this to a conclusion.) The Lanterns are as unlimited as the universe itself. (see, a good close.)

Flaws in the character? Their powers are weakened by the color yellow. The color Yellow? What kind of stupid weakness is that?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

18th Villain

The 18th villain is:

Frederick Charles Krueger (Freddy Krueger)

Points: 39

# of voters: 3

Range: 14th - 2nd place

Note: first person to be voted 2nd place

Freddy Krueger, one of the most feared villains from the horror movie genre, was the murdering demon in the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” movies. He appeared as a man with a burnt face who wore a fedora, a trench coat, and a striped sweater; and let’s not forget his glove with a blade on each finger. Freddy was played by the actor Robert Englund.

In the 60’s, Frederick Krueger murdered some of his neighbors and their kids on his home street of Elm Street, town of Springwood. The neighbors that survived took revenge on Krueger and burnt him alive. But after his death, demons gave him the power to continue his reign of blood. He had the power to make dreams into reality (die in the nightmare he created = die in real life) and he is powered by people’s fear of him. Freddy vendetta is against the descendants but will kill for sport as well or anyone who tries to get in his way. He attacks a person in their dreams making him impossible to escape from.

The fact that Freddy can kill you in you dreams makes him a scary monster and one of our favorite villains. Also, unlike others from the genre, he seems intelligent and manipulative. Other killers from horror movies just wait in the dark and stab people with little or no thought to it. Though this might be scary, Freddy usually has a plan of attack. Remember he needs to get people to believe in him before he is powerful enough to attack. The idea the Krueger has a plan to get you makes him even more frightening.

I was suprised to see him infront of Liquid Snake and the Borg at first. I thought thoughs two would be considered cooler villains. But Krueger is generally more well known and a favorite in the horror movies. Dispite what I think (which is inverse) the people have spoken, Krueger is a better and cooler villain the Liquid and the Borg.

Monday, February 12, 2007

19th Hero

At this rate I'll be done sometime in April.

And the 19th hero goes to,

Spike Spiegel

Points: 41

# of votes: 3

Range: 11th - 3rd place

Note: first one voted 3rd place

Spike Spiegel is the cool main character in the hit anime series Cowboy Bebop. It takes place in the future where the planets have been colonized. Born on Mars and a former mafia agent, Spike now works as a bounty hunter, or, as they are called in the future, a cowboy. He flies around the solar system on a small ship called the Bebop.

Spike is a man of many talents; which include marshal arts that can take out a group of guards with little effort. His marshal art is based around high-powerful kicks. He also is good with the slight of hand that helps him pick pockets. Spike can pilot a fighter jet with exceptional skill. Another talent worth mentioning is if marksmanship. Spike can shoot his way out of most situations even highly outnumbered and out gunned.

Why is he cool? Because….. He is cool. The definition of cool. It just seems to be one of his dominate qualities. And I don’t mean cool as in school jock who picks on nerds for fun; I mean cool as in laid back and not give a crap about what anyone less thinks of you. He is relaxed even to the point of sometime being lazy. He is cool under the toughest situations (except when Julia is involved). Though he can lose his temper when things don’t go his way, or when someone just betters him. When he loses it he is funny. When he has it together, he makes his decisions with his gut and follows through despite the odds.