Wednesday, February 28, 2007

12th Villain

Welcome to one of the greatest blogs of all time! (or a pretty good blog)

Still sick, couldn't spend too much time of this.

The 12th villain is:

The King Pin

Points: 49

# of voters: 4

Range: 15th to 5th place

Wilson Fisk is a short chubby legitimate business man in New York City in Marvel Comics. Or is he? He is always in New York City and he is in Marvel Comics, but he is no legitimate business man. He is really the King Pin, the head of New York’s Mafia with criminal ties all around the world. He is a criminal master mind that rules all, or most, of New York’s criminals. His team of lawyers keep him from getting a criminal record and they retain his business man appearance

He usually wears a expensive white coat, smokes cigars, and walks with a diamond cane. He looks like a fat guy and weighs around 400 + pounds. Though this, like his fake life, is a misconceptions. He has no super powers but most all of his 400 + pounds pure muscle. He also is a great street fighter. With these traits he can match such superhero’s such as Spider-man or Daredevil.

So why did the King Pin make the list? First off he is a genius who runs all of New York’s underground. He provides a great foe for Spider-man, Daredevil, and other Marvel superheroes. He uses his mind as his greatest weapon like all great villains should but is perfectly capable of fighting his foes hand to hand. The King Pin is one of the greatest evil mob bosses of all time.

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