Thursday, March 29, 2007

3rd Villain

And the 3rd Villain goes to:

Lex Luthor

Points: 125

# of voter: 8

Range: 11th - 2nd place

Lex Luthor is one of the smartest individuals in DC Comics, and one of the most devious. His character started in 1940 with Action Comics as a Superman villain. Though he is still one of Superman’s greatest nemeses, he is now a foe for every hero in the DC world. He even is found fighting the entire Justice League.

This is all impressive since Lex Luthor has no powers. That’s right, one of the greatest villains of all time in the comic world is powerless. Not only that, he’s hairless as well. Though he used to have red hair, Luthor became bolded when he was conducting an experiment. It when wrong and the building was set on fire. Superman blew the fire out but in doing so destroyed the experiment and spilled chemicals on Lex making him bold. Lex Luthor vowed revenge.

So why is this hairless, powerless villain so great? Well as I have said in the past posts, powers are not everything. Like a lot of villains and heroes before, Lex gets on this list do to his genius. His brilliants gives him the ability to outsmart the governments of the world, the entire Justice League, the smartest rival villains, and every alien worlds. He was even smart enough to fake his own death and also smart enough to become the president of the United States. He is also a great inventor and can create weapons for his purposes. Lex also own Lex Corp (or Luthor Corp), a billion dollar company. Though the Heroes know he is a villain, Lex is smart enough to not get put in prison, most of the time. He also is smart enough to know Superman’s weakness of Kryptonite though he has yet to kill superman with it.

Any man this clever is indeed most devious. Lex Luthor is one of the greatest villains.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

4th Hero

And the 4th Hero is:


Points: 112

# of voters: 8

Range: 20th - 1st

Superman. The Man of Steel. The Man of Tomorrow. The Last Son of Krypton. The Big Blue Boy Scout. One of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, superheroes in DC Comics. This character started way back in 1932 with Action Comics and he is still one of the best known names for Superheroes. The character of Superman has starred in comics, movies, and television shows even when each were almost brand new.

Superman is really Kal-El, a being from the planet Krypton. Krypton was a planet of an advance race. The Planet orbited a red sun. But the planet was soon going to be destroyed (for some reason or another) and Kal-El’s father, Jor-El, knew it would happen but couldn’t convince anyone to do anything about it. In the end, the only thing he could do is send his baby son, Kal-El, out on a space craft so save his life. Kar-El was the only one that survived when his planet was destroyed (or maybe a few others, but lets not get into that right now).

Kal-El landed on earth where he was found by the couple Jonathon and Martha Kent. Since the two had no kids of their own, they raised the boy as Clark Kent. On earth, our yellow sun had a strange affect on the young Clark. It gave him strength. Not strength as in jockey football player strength. Strength as in lift up a car or out run a train. As the boy grew up so did his powers. As he became a young adult his speed and strength grew to the point where it was almost ridicules. His other powers also surfaced. He could fly with ease and super speed. His eyes had x-ray vision and could shoot a blast of energy. And he had super hearing and his lungs gave him super breath.

When he became an adult he moved to Metropolis where he started two lives. One was Clark Kent with Glasses, fake glasses, who worked as a news reported for the Daily Planet. The other was a costume with red cape wearing superhero known as Superman (Without glasses so therefore Clark Kent could not possibly be Superman).

Superman is earths greatest Hero. Though he does stop the city’s criminal once in a while, this man usually saves the earth itself. He can stop natural disasters, huge meteors, as well as alien invaders. He even overcame his own death. He later became the leading figure in the Justice League.

Superman is not only powerful, he is also heroic. He knows what he stands for and won’t back down on his beliefs. He is always trying to do the right thing and usually doesn’t take crap from other (though maybe Batman’s). Superman is a definition of a superhero.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

4th Villain

And the 4th Villain:


points: 105

# of voters: 8

Range: 17th - 3rd place

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants in Marvel Comics and the most reoccurring villain, as well as one of the most powerful, X-men foes. He was the first X-men villain and is still and vicious enemy in Marvel. His first appearance was in 1963 and is still a popular villain.

Mutant is a human who’s cell have mutated to give that person superpowers or super weaknesses. Magnet apparently was one of the most powerful in the world. His power is the ability to control all magnet waves. Basically he has ability to control, move, and even reshape all the metal around him. He can lift metal object even if it weighs tons. He can even manipulate magnet fields in the air to create energy attacks and a force fields. He can also use the magnet fields to fly. These may seem like dorky power at first, but anything metal can become his weapon, anything metal. This includes Heroes weapons that are metal. In an area like a city, he is nearly invincible do to all the metal at his disposal. He is incredibly powerful and hard to defeat each time he shows up.

Magneto, or Erik Lehnsherr, was born before world war two. His parents were killed by the Nazis and his was sent to a concentration camp. After the war he got married and had a baby girl. But the village rose up to kill him and his family, succeeding in killing his daughter. Magneto mutant powers suddenly surfaced and he killed the whole mob.

Later on he meet Charles Xavier and the two became scholars and teachers together as well as friends. They debated on how the emerging mutants would effect the world. Xavier knew that that people would hate mutants but believed that he could teach mutants and mankind to get along peacefully. Magneto believed that there would be a war between the two races and that only one could stand as the master of the other. He believed that mutants needed to strike first. Xavier went on to start the X-men, a team of mutants that would protect mankind even though they were hated. Magneto started the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (no really, that’s what he named it, it was later just named the Brotherhood.) to wage war on mankind. The two were now no longer friends but the worst of enemies.

Magneto is as smart as he is powerful. He has a chess like mindset and can make the most masterful plan. He wants mutants to rule the world

Monday, March 26, 2007

5th Hero

And the 5th Hero is:

The Doctor





I did it again


sorry, wrong doctor

And the real 5th hero is:

The Doctor (Doctor Who)

Points: 106

# of voters: 6

Range: 10th - 1st place

“I tolerate this century but I don't enjoy it.”
“A rash action is worse than no action at all.”
“Bad laws were made to be broken.”
“Your leader will be angry if you kill me; I'm a genius!”
“I think you'll find, Sir, that I'm qualified to deal with practically everything, if I choose.”
“Look, try and use your intelligence, man, even if you are a politician.”
“Brigadier, a straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting.”
“You may be a doctor, but I am the Doctor. The definite article, one might say.”
“The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots.”
“There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes.”
“I'm a Time Lord... I'm not a human being. I walk in eternity.”
“My memory is getting poor. 300 years ago I would have recognized this like a shot.”
“Death is the price we pay for progress, you know.”
“A Time Lord has to do what a Time Lord has to do.”
“You can't expect perfection, not even from me.”
“Sometimes, my brilliance astonishes even me.”
“Gosh, that takes me back. Or forward. That's the trouble with time travel; you can never remember.”
“Would you mind not standing on my chest? My hat's on fire.”
“Have you noticed how people's intellectual curiosity declines sharply the moment they start waving guns about?”
“One must always accept the unexpected.”
“First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”
“If I knew everything that was about to happen, where would the fun be?”
“Time reveals everything.”
“Never guess, unless you have to; there's enough uncertainty in the universe as it is.”
“That's the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know what you're going to get.”
“An apple a day keeps the... ah, no, never mind.”
“Not allowed? Me? I'm allowed everywhere!”
“Small mammals are quite flavorsome when baked.”
“Here the only logic is that there isn't any logic.”
“You can judge a man by the quality of his enemies.”
“Hello! I'm the Doctor. I believe you want to kill me.”
“Time and Time Lords wait for no man.”
“I'm not interested in money. How much?”
“Oh, don't worry; I always leave things till the last moment.”
“What a sentimental old thing this TARDIS is!”
“I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones.”
“Rest is for the weary; sleep is for the dead.”
- The Doctor from the series “Doctor Who
(cited from link here)

Doctor Who has the record for the longest running science fiction television show. It is a British Sci-Fi that started back in 1963 and ran to 1989. A movie was made in 1996 but unlike the show, it was very unpopular. The show re-aired in 2005 and is still running today. Now that’s one long series. The show itself has affected the British Culture. In fact, it is so popular that Doctor Who is one of Britain’s ‘Mascots’. It is also popular with Sci-Fi fans world wide.

The Show stares a man referred to only as The Doctor (PHD Doctor, not Medical doctor). He is a human looking being that is really an alien. He is a Time Lord, beings from the planet Gallifrey. Time Lords travel in time machines called Tardis.

First, the Time Lords are beings that have the most advance understanding of time and space than most (or even all) of the races found in the known universe. The travel time and space making sure that time is left intact.

The Tardis is the Time Lord tool and craft to travel time and space. The word Tardis means Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. It appears small, about the size of a phone booth, but it is a powerful force. It is really transcendental, which means it is larger in the inside then in the outside. The Doctor’s Tardis looks like a British blue police box.

Now to the man himself. The Doctor is a renegade Time Lord that is out looking for exploration, adventure, or sometime just a vacation. He separated himself from the other Time Lords to ensure that he could do things his way. Yet he always find other people, usually attractive women, to join him on his adventures. These people usually have the same exploring desire as the doctor but rely on his superior knowledge and the Doctor usually finds the father role of the team. Though innocent enough, the Doctor always finds, purposely or accidentally, his way in the worse cases throughout history. He is often saving a country, a world, the universe, or even time itself. He has been known to be one of the most intelligent and, even more so, cleaver Time Lord.

As a Time Lord, the Doctor can regenerate anytime he is critically injured. That way, new actors can take the role and give the Doctor new attributes and styles. This makes the Doctor a cool character because we get to choose the Doctor we like the best. The actors that played him include William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker (my favorite), Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Chrisopher Eccleston, and David Tennant. That makes ten in all. Since a Time Lord can Regenerate 12 time (13 different person) three more people can yet play the role of the doctor.

This Time Lord doesn’t act like most heroes. He usually doesn’t fight at all, but instead, outsmarts his enemies. The Doctor has a very sly and cocky attitude. In fact, he may be the most sly person on this list. He may be cocky but he is cleaver and smart enough to back it up. Most of the Doctors are very funny. His Sly attitude and the fact that he makes light of most tough situations gives him a funny attitude.

The Doctor is also Heroic because he is stubborn. He will not back down to evil nor will he let down his morals. He stands for what is right and fights for it will all his being.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

5th Villain

only the top five to go. The top five villains and top five heroes will start out with the fifth villain.

and the 5th Villain goes to:


points: 73

# of voters: 6

range: 20th - 2nd place

Creepy long white hair, leather uniform and trench coat, ridiculously long sword, how can anyone not like Sephiroth. He’s simply one bad dude. Sephiroth is the main villain in the game Final Fantasy 7. In fact, he is the most remembered villain, or even character, from all the Final Fantasy games and one of the most remembered villains from video game history. Much happened in Final Fantasy 7, as it does in all the Final Fantasies. Yet in the end the main story was to stop Sephiroth.

His story? Sephiroth was the son of Lucrecia Crescent and Professor Hojo. They voluntarily let Sephiroth be part of an experiment called the “Jenova Project”. They injecting him while he was still unborn with the cells of an evil entity known as Jenova. Sephiroth grew up thinking that his mother was a woman named Jenova. When he became an adult he joined the army and was immediately recognized. His powers were on the line of ridicules and unbelievable. Even those considered equal in the ranks of the army were amazed by his power and strength. Everyone knew that he was unbeatable.

Later on, he was sent to kill some monsters in a town called Nibelheim. There, he learned the secret of his birth and went mad. He destroyed the town and tried to capture the remains of Jenova. Sephiroth partner Zack and an army soldier named Cloud tried to stop him. In the end, Sephiroth took Jenova’s head and was either pushed or jumped into the world’s lifestream. Sephiroth absorbed Jenova’s power and traveled the lifestream making his plans to obsorb the whole worlds lifeforce making himself a god. Which means he would kill everyone on earth and become all powerful.. Can we say evil?

Then the game started. Sephiroth traveled the lifestream taking control over people that were experimented on with Jenova cells. He could even mold them to look like himself. He even forced the games main character, Cloud, into helping him take control of the lifestream. In the end, Cloud and his friends defeated Sephiroth and stopped him from destroying the world. Whoever, in movies other games, Sephiroth is still around trying to come back from the life stream.

Sephiroth is a creepy and powerful character. He manipulates people and events to form his own will. In all the world he is the most powerful creature (I think, He’s the last boss). And most important of all, he has a huge long sword. I mean it’s humongous to the point that if it wasn’t Sephiroth, it would be unthinkable to use it.

All in all Sephiroth is an awesome villain.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Top Heroes and Villains So Far 3

Story so far

Top Heroes

1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ???
6. Indiana Jones 85 points
7. Link 73 points
8. Solid Snake 72 points tie winner
9. Sherlock Holmes 72 points
10. James Bond 60 points
11. Aslan 54 points tie winner
12. The Flash 54 points
13. Cloud Strife 50 points
14. Captain America 49 points tie winner
15. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 49 points
16. Goku 46 points
17. Aragorn (Stryder) 43 points
18. Green Lantern 42 points
19. Spike Spiegel 41 points
20. Guybrush Threepwood 39 points

Top Villains

1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ???
6. Sauron 68 points
7. Doctor Doom 66 points
8. Iron Man 58 points
9. Bane 53 points
10. Cobra Commander 52 points
11. Agent Smith 51 points
12. The King Pin 49 points
13. Ganondorf 48 points
14. Venom 45 points
15- The Dalex 44 points
16- Pinky and the Brain 40 points tie winner
17- The Master 40 points
18- Freddy Krueger 39 points
19- The Borg 37 points tie winner
20- Liquid Snake 37

6th Hero

And the 6th Hero is:

Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. (Indiana Jones)

points: 85

# of voters: 6

Range: 10th - 4th place

Bullwhip, fedora, fear of snakes, these are some of the traits of the famous Indiana Jones. This adventurous archaeologist is one of the most popular and well known fiction characters in movie history. The actor that played Jones, Harrison Ford, both defined and is defined by this character. The first Indiana Jones movie was “Raiders of the Lost Ark” then came “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. The character later went on TV (As the young Jones), Books, and Graphic Novels. Now a fourth movie staring Harrison Ford is being made now.

Archaeology has never been so entertaining. Indiana Jones is a famous archaeologist and professor during the 40’s. Jones travels the world looking for lost relics of the past, like archaeologist do. Unlike most archaeologist Indiana meets deathtraps, woman, and plenty of bad guys (and sometime bad woman). His most usual villains are the Nazis who are after the same artifact and will stop at nothing to get it. Jones life is quite dangerous, making him more than a tome raider. He’s a fighter and sometimes a soldier. Indy spends most of his time in these movies fighting for his life (and maybe a woman’s) rather than actual archaeologist work. His most common weapon and tool is his bullwhip. He does use guns and other weapons but any man who takes out Nazi soldiers with just a whip is pretty awesome. Though artifact, history, culture, and legend knowledge is a characteristic just as strong as his fighting skills. With these skills he can solve puzzles and find artifacts faster then his rivals.

Other reasons this character rocks? He has a somewhat sly and scoundrel attitude. He is often seen bartering in bars and other darker places. He is sly and smart enough he make his way through Nazi territory. He is a terrific fighter who usually finds a way to win despite odd against him. Though he is in no way invincible, just determined. Usually he is always the one taking the most damage throughout the movies (except for the ones who actually die). He never gives up but he goes through so much pain that one could be sorry for him (or think it’s funny). He also has a very large fear of snakes which always seem to get in his way. Even these flaws add to his characteristics and reasons we like him. Indiana Jones kicks serious butt and deserves to be on this list.