Monday, March 5, 2007

11th Hero

And the 11th Hero goes to the mighty...


points: 54

# of voters: 3

Range: 7th to 1st place

“Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
--Mr. Beaver about Aslan in “The Loin, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” by C. S. Lewis

Aslan is definitely worthy of being a top hero. He is a mystical Lion king in C. S. Lewis’s children’s book series “The Chronicles of Naria”. Naria is a magical land where talking animals, dwarves, gnomes, and fauns, and men live in peace, for the most part. Aslan is a god like creator-lion that created their world (he sang it into existence, also in the series he created all other worlds including Earth but he used other names in these other worlds), and he watches over the world. When it is in danger, he summons children from our world to aid it. He helps the children on their quest but for the most part he just guides the world along from his home in another world.

Aslan is described as a large lion. He is so powerful that his very presence is filled with majesty. The books say that if one would just look at him that being would be filled with fear, awe, and joy. Unless you’er evil, then his presence would fill you with ultimate dread and horror. But if you stuck around long enough to befriend him, then you see him as the most wonderful thing in the world and a good friend, though he can still a roaring lion.

He is all-powerful and untamed. He goes and does as he pleases, which, fortunately for us, is for the good of the world. He could solve all Naria’s problems in an instant but he prefers just to aid them in helping themselves. He is bound only by one thing, his father (a being referred to as the Empire-Over-The-Sea) and his father’s laws.

Which brings me to my next point. Aslan is heroic. Once when a boy from our world belonged to the enemy due to the law of Aslan’s father. So the only thing Aslan could do is offer his own life to spare the boy. But being the powerful beast he is, he simply rose himself back to life (now that‘s power), played with some kids, then killed his enemy by mauling (ouch). Heroic is hardly does him justice. He is noble, kind, and good. He is the king.

Aslan has every attribute of being a hero. He is honorable, loving, and self-sacrificing. His power and might is literally unmatched. This mighty lion is at home on this list of heroes.


Anonymous said...

Would you like to meet Aslan for yourself?
I'm not kidding. C.S Lewis wrote these stories for children, but he had a real authentic being in mind, Jesus Christ, who loved us so much, that he came and died sacrificially in our place, because of all the wrong things you and me have done... and rose again to life, so you and I can actually have a real relationship with Him, if we just believe. Let me know if you want to hear more. He's real, I know, because he's my King and best friend, Sharon: )

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