Monday, March 26, 2007

5th Hero

And the 5th Hero is:

The Doctor





I did it again


sorry, wrong doctor

And the real 5th hero is:

The Doctor (Doctor Who)

Points: 106

# of voters: 6

Range: 10th - 1st place

“I tolerate this century but I don't enjoy it.”
“A rash action is worse than no action at all.”
“Bad laws were made to be broken.”
“Your leader will be angry if you kill me; I'm a genius!”
“I think you'll find, Sir, that I'm qualified to deal with practically everything, if I choose.”
“Look, try and use your intelligence, man, even if you are a politician.”
“Brigadier, a straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting.”
“You may be a doctor, but I am the Doctor. The definite article, one might say.”
“The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots.”
“There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes.”
“I'm a Time Lord... I'm not a human being. I walk in eternity.”
“My memory is getting poor. 300 years ago I would have recognized this like a shot.”
“Death is the price we pay for progress, you know.”
“A Time Lord has to do what a Time Lord has to do.”
“You can't expect perfection, not even from me.”
“Sometimes, my brilliance astonishes even me.”
“Gosh, that takes me back. Or forward. That's the trouble with time travel; you can never remember.”
“Would you mind not standing on my chest? My hat's on fire.”
“Have you noticed how people's intellectual curiosity declines sharply the moment they start waving guns about?”
“One must always accept the unexpected.”
“First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”
“If I knew everything that was about to happen, where would the fun be?”
“Time reveals everything.”
“Never guess, unless you have to; there's enough uncertainty in the universe as it is.”
“That's the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know what you're going to get.”
“An apple a day keeps the... ah, no, never mind.”
“Not allowed? Me? I'm allowed everywhere!”
“Small mammals are quite flavorsome when baked.”
“Here the only logic is that there isn't any logic.”
“You can judge a man by the quality of his enemies.”
“Hello! I'm the Doctor. I believe you want to kill me.”
“Time and Time Lords wait for no man.”
“I'm not interested in money. How much?”
“Oh, don't worry; I always leave things till the last moment.”
“What a sentimental old thing this TARDIS is!”
“I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones.”
“Rest is for the weary; sleep is for the dead.”
- The Doctor from the series “Doctor Who
(cited from link here)

Doctor Who has the record for the longest running science fiction television show. It is a British Sci-Fi that started back in 1963 and ran to 1989. A movie was made in 1996 but unlike the show, it was very unpopular. The show re-aired in 2005 and is still running today. Now that’s one long series. The show itself has affected the British Culture. In fact, it is so popular that Doctor Who is one of Britain’s ‘Mascots’. It is also popular with Sci-Fi fans world wide.

The Show stares a man referred to only as The Doctor (PHD Doctor, not Medical doctor). He is a human looking being that is really an alien. He is a Time Lord, beings from the planet Gallifrey. Time Lords travel in time machines called Tardis.

First, the Time Lords are beings that have the most advance understanding of time and space than most (or even all) of the races found in the known universe. The travel time and space making sure that time is left intact.

The Tardis is the Time Lord tool and craft to travel time and space. The word Tardis means Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. It appears small, about the size of a phone booth, but it is a powerful force. It is really transcendental, which means it is larger in the inside then in the outside. The Doctor’s Tardis looks like a British blue police box.

Now to the man himself. The Doctor is a renegade Time Lord that is out looking for exploration, adventure, or sometime just a vacation. He separated himself from the other Time Lords to ensure that he could do things his way. Yet he always find other people, usually attractive women, to join him on his adventures. These people usually have the same exploring desire as the doctor but rely on his superior knowledge and the Doctor usually finds the father role of the team. Though innocent enough, the Doctor always finds, purposely or accidentally, his way in the worse cases throughout history. He is often saving a country, a world, the universe, or even time itself. He has been known to be one of the most intelligent and, even more so, cleaver Time Lord.

As a Time Lord, the Doctor can regenerate anytime he is critically injured. That way, new actors can take the role and give the Doctor new attributes and styles. This makes the Doctor a cool character because we get to choose the Doctor we like the best. The actors that played him include William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker (my favorite), Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Chrisopher Eccleston, and David Tennant. That makes ten in all. Since a Time Lord can Regenerate 12 time (13 different person) three more people can yet play the role of the doctor.

This Time Lord doesn’t act like most heroes. He usually doesn’t fight at all, but instead, outsmarts his enemies. The Doctor has a very sly and cocky attitude. In fact, he may be the most sly person on this list. He may be cocky but he is cleaver and smart enough to back it up. Most of the Doctors are very funny. His Sly attitude and the fact that he makes light of most tough situations gives him a funny attitude.

The Doctor is also Heroic because he is stubborn. He will not back down to evil nor will he let down his morals. He stands for what is right and fights for it will all his being.


Anonymous said...

That Doctor Who's a real bastard! You know I was talking to his old man the other day whose last name happens to be CARES! WHO CARES! Ever notice how ugly British People are? I think I have to throw up now! Jerry Holland out!

Anonymous said...

Whose the fag with the umbrella?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Dr. What's his name is standing this close in line to a real hero like Indiana Jones.

Anonymous said...

my name is not bigenr. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Is this the British form of superman, where instead of stepping out of a phone booth he steps out of an outhouse? And, instead of wearing a cape he appears donning striped slacks and an rainbow colored umbrella?

Anonymous said...

No, my friend that is not an "outhouse". over there in Euroland, I believe thay call it the lue. maybe his name should be Dr. Lue.
The Jeffersons called and they want Mr. Bentleys clothes back.

Anonymous said...

I dont think his name should be Dr. Lue, maybe Dr. Poo instead.

Anonymous said...

Yo what up J, sorry that Hans and big ern are raggin on Dr. Who so much. But I must agree that he is dressed a little different oh and he's old....Well most of them...oh and Batman called and he said that the Joker wanted his clothes back. PS he also said that if Dr. Who would have beat him on the list he would have had to hit himself in the head with a batarang!

R.C. said...

To all who are making fun of the Doctor, I have to ask, have any of you accually seen the show? Sci Fi shows over here (with the exception of Stargate) can't hold a candle to it, and that's coming from a life long Star Trek fan. Do yourself a favor and watch the show before you start mocking the greatest of the Time Lords.

Anonymous said...

What is this cleaver you mention... Is he a butcher?

Anonymous said...

Doctor?Doctor Who? It is cool he made the list but Solid Snake could kick his @$$ and diserves to be higher than the doctor. After all Snake is the best at killing people with british accents.

J. H. said...

I know a lot of you wanted me to respond but it is DM that put me over the edge. I will address the others first. First off, I know most of you never seen Doctor Who nor have you even read this article. Some of the doctor may look strange but that is part of the reasons that we like him, he is unusual. You also made fun of the one with the umbrella (6th one). Congratulation, you have just made fun of one of the least favorite Doctor. That’s the guy Doctor Who fans make fun of. Also, one doesn’t have to have superpowers or wear a big S on their chest to be a hero. Several times the Doctor has stood against chip implants and secret orders. Again and againg he has stood for the freedom of people and stopped the secret slaving of others.

Now for DM. You have gone too far. You can make fun of the doctor or you could make fun of Indiana Jones. But what kind of person doesn’t like either?! The Doctor rock, and despite the fact that Snake could take him out, the doctor is the more popular hero and has stopped more than metal gear threats (great accomplishment that it is, the Doctor has saved the universe several times). He rocks but not many people know about him therefore he is teased. And Indiana rocks as well, he just had fond memories of that dog. How can anyone not like Indiana anyway? I shouldn’t even have to explain why he rocks.

Anonymous said...

Funny one, Darth Gay. Why don't you get back to bagging groceries.

Anonymous said...

McKrakken is just mad that he didn't make the villains list