Monday, March 12, 2007

8th Villain

Ok, this is really the Villain list.

This is going to make a few people upset.

Too bad.

And the 8th VILLAIN is

Iron Man

Points: 58

# of voters: 4

Range: 13th - 2nd place

I know some of you might be a bit surprised at this but you are reading it correctly. Iron Man is the 8th Villain. That’s right, people voted him villain. I know I said I would omit heroes that were voted villain but in this case I really couldn’t. To me and my friends he (recently) is a villain (though I didn’t vote him villain, others did that).

So why villain? Well first I have to explain who he is. Iron Man is a Marvel Comic superhero. Yup, superHERO. Iron Man is really Tony Stark, a billionaire who is an arms manufacturer and supplier for the USA military and also a genus inventor. For himself, he invented a iron suit that gives him powers and weapon to defeat evil. He later joins the superhero team the Avengers.

So some people might be upset with him making the villain list. Unlike the other villains, he didn’t make the list because we thought he was a great or likable villain. Why do we now consider him a villain? Well I’ve got two words for you. CIVIL WAR!

For those who don’t know, Civil War is Marvel’s recent multi-crossover story series. In it, the government wants to ID every superhero in the United States, and more importantly, implant small chips inside them so that the government could deactivate their powers whenever they wanted to. This law split the heroes up. On one side, Captain America and his team fought against the law saying that it violates civil rights. On the other side, Iron Man fights to make sure that the law is held. During that story Iron Man tries to do everything to make sure that his side wins, even threaten innocent lives. In the end Iron Man wins and our hero Captain America dies.

Iron Man working for the government to take away rights and implant computer chips inside people?! Villainous!! In a world where our own government is slowly taking away our rights and making similar plans as this story, we direct our anger on this fictional character. To some of my friends, he represents the Big Brother government that we hate. I know that this story the government wasn’t trying to take everyone’s rights away, and Iron Man might think that he’s doing this to protect the people, but as soon as one persons rights are in jeopardy, we have all lost something and are all in danger of losing that same right.

Sorry Iron Man, you were once a good superhero. Perhaps you might of even made the hero list. But those who support a Big Brother government, a government that wants to control and monitor, cannot be seen as a hero in mine and my friends’ eyes. I do not support a government that would take away rights out of fear. I do not support a government that would implant computer chips to monitor its people. Apparently my friends feel the same way. Iron Man, you picked the wrong side and you became a villain.


Anonymous said...

sort of ironinc that someone who most consider a hero would end up on the villain list. But, besides having lots of money what does Tony Stark really have going for him. He is a drunk who's only super ability is the fact that he can hold his liquor and still fit into a silly little suit and fly around in the air with his little rocket boosters. I honestly used to really like Iron Man when I was a kid but as time has gone on he seems less and less interesting. The civil war story line didnt help my opinion of him. Cap's team should have won. Iron Man is a real Munson.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be honest here, I hate Iron man with a passion! After reading the Civil War story line I was angry that the side that was fighting for freedom and liberty lost out. Iron man's true colors are not red, white, and blue but rather red through and through. I just wish that Superman would get his hands on him because he stands for truth, justice, and the American way everything that Iron Man doesn't stand for. However, I should have never had to feel this way because Captain America should have kicked Tony Stark's Iron Ass!

Anonymous said...

Freedom will never die, Bitches!

R.C. said...

Accually he is a recovering alchoalic, and to the best of my knowledge, hasn't has a drink in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Iron Man isn't even the good kind of cool villain. He disgusts me the kind of scum that stands for everything wrong in this world I spit in your face Iron Man.

J. H. said...

Now I know I said that I would not allow swearing on this blog but I will allow it this time for two reason. First, I swore in the Solid Snake post. And Second, Captain America said it and I value my life too much to delete his comment. But be warned, I will delete others in the future.