Tuesday, February 27, 2007

13th Hero

I'm feeling sick so I could spend much time on this as I wanted.

And the 13th Hero is:

Cloud Strife

Points: 50

#of voters: 4

Range: 12th to 5th place

Cloud Strife is the main hero of one of the most popular RPG games Final Fantasy 7. An X-military soldier turned mercenary, Cloud was hired to join a group of anti-government freedom fighters. Cloud was a reluctant hero that seemed to be far more skilled then others on the team. At first he was a bit cold hearted but eventually he became the leader of this band of outlaws.

But Cloud wasn’t who he thought he was. He thought he was part of an elite group of military force called SOLDIER with a man named Sephiroth. When Sephiroth found his true origins and went berserk, Cloud tried and failed to stop him from destroying a town. But the truth was that he was just a minor soldier that was caught in the middle between Sephiroth and his true SOLDIER partner Zack. After the incident, Cloud was captured by the government and experimented on. After his and Zack’s escaped (and Zack’s death) Cloud took on Zack’s memories and was used by Sephiroth as a puppet. But in the end Cloud found the strength to defeat Sephiroth.

So why do we like Cloud? Well the game was fun but the character had a few flaws. First off, he was no who he claimed to be. It was cool playing an x-elite soldier but then you had to figured out he was a fraud. Second he was used by Sephiroth. Sephiroth used the experiments that happened to Cloud to mess up his memory and take control of him. Cloud gave Sephiroth the very tool he needed to destroy the world. And finally, during the game, Cloud had to cross-dress to get into a certain area.

So why do we like this cross-dressign fraud? Because he’s cool. His attitude during the game was that of a cool and experienced fighter (except when he lost his control to Sephiroth). The very things he did were cool, wore black, rode a motorcycle, snowboarded and fought with a monster-huge sword (the Buster Sword). Though he failed often in the story, he always tried to make an amends for his mistakes. Even in future story lines, Cloud still can’t fully forgive himself for letting Aerith die. Yes he had a few flaws but a true hero has to rise above his fallbacks. Cloud found the strength to rise above all the obstacles and lead a team to save the world


Anonymous said...

Can anyone say stupidest blog ever

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anyone could break open mr.peanut, eat him and kill him. even a 5 year old

Anonymous said...

totally not true, 5 year olds would choke. bad.

R.C. said...

j.h.,r.c.,d.m.,and quiet said...

Can anyone say stupidest blog ever

Says the guy who doesn't have a blog or doesn't think it's good enough to advertise it

Hope you don't mind me saying this for you J.H. (the real one) but if you don't like this blog, then why do you keep coming back. can't speak for the blogger himself, but trolls are rearly, if ever, welcome anywhere.

J. H. said...

Hey R.C., I don’t mind you telling that guy off. I appreciate it. But he might not be signing on his own blog account because I deleted it once. Even though I said I wouldn’t do it again, he might hesitate to sign on again. Anyway, anyone can say something but this guy never said anything to back up his claims. If he does have a blog I would like to see it to see if it is truly better then mine. Until then this guy is alone in his fight against me since people are already continually visiting my blog. This guy needs to either back up his claims on why my blog is bad or show up his own blog. Until then I will not take that remark seriously. So just show me something or shut up troll.

Anonymous said...

I've got nothing to prove to losers like you

Anonymous said...

hehe i just got called a loser in a blog....thats awesome.

Anonymous said...

this blog is bad? and yet you keep coming back. hmmm.... your life must be boring.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Cloud Strife is one of the coolest hero's that doesn't ever say a word! He weilds a devastating sword that speaks volumes. Plus he took down Sephiroth after his babe was taken out! I'm glad he's on the list!