Wednesday, February 21, 2007

15th Hero

The 15th hero goes to an entire team. As stated in the rules, a small team can be voted together So the 15th hero goes to a team of four. The 15th place is:

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Points: 49

# of voters: 5

Range: 19th to 5th place

Note: Raphael got 14th place and Donatello got 5th place. Instead of the points going to them individually, they were just added to the whole team.

Who are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT)? Well, they’re four young adult metamorphosed shinobi testudines or exactly what they sound like. After four small turtles fell into the sewers of New York City, they got into some green ooze that transformed them into walking-talking infants (oh and it made then human size, or at the time, infant size at the time). An adult rat, named Splinter or Master Splinter, also mutated with them. This rat was a former pet of a ninja master so the rat new the ways of the ninja. The Splinter (now walking, talking and ‘old human’ size) became the turtles master and father. He taught the turtles the ways of the ninja and when the turtles were old enough, teenage, they secretly defended the city from evil.

Since they were turtles, they couldn’t interact with the outside world. They remained in the sewers only coming out at night to fight crime and eat pizza. Unlike ninjas we’ve seen before, these turtles acted more like teenagers and related to human teen popular culture. For instance they liked to skateboarding, listen to music, cracking jokes, make fun of each other, and eating pizza. The turtles weren’t only rockn’ ninja (and ninja are rockn’) they were also both cool and humorous. They also liked pizza.

Splinter named the four turtles after famous artists and each turtle wore a different color ninja mask and carried his own different ninja weapon.

Leonardo was, for the most part, the leader of the team. He took being a ninja very seriously, more than his brothers, and spent his time practicing. Yet he still had his own sense of humor. He wore a blue mask and had two swords (katana) as a weapon.

Raphael was the anti-hero of the team. He was rude most of the time and had a bad attitude. He was the lease merciful when it came to fighting and often disobey his orders. He wore red and carried two sai.

Michelangelo was the joker on the team. He took everything lightly and made jokes in almost any situation. He was generally the comical relief. He wore orange and usually carries two nunchakus.

Donatello was the brains of the outfit. He was the teams scientist and often invented things for the team. Though he two had a good sense of humor. He wore purple and carried a bo-staff. (Note: Don was my personal favorite because he was smart and had a bo-staff. Also because my siblings always chose to play the other turtles when we played TMNT as kids.)

The Turtles were popular in comic books, cartoon television show, movies, toys, and video games (also they were in Japanese Mangas and were in at least two anime episodes). I think I mentioned all the major reasons the turtles are cool. They were hip as well as funny. And most of all, they were modern day teenaged ninja, ninja are cool as it is, but teenager ninjas in New York are even better. The TMNT are also cool because they liked pizza.

Kowabunga Dude!!”


R.C. said...

Donny was always one of my favorites too, because of the bo and because he was the brains of the group. But since I got my Sais and started training with them, I've started to like Raf a lot more then I use to.

Anonymous said...

Kowabunga dude! TMNT is a childhood favorite of mine. They are really cool and funny heros.Glad they made the list. Posted By:D.M. Proof- Heat Guy J, Walker Texas Ranger.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how tmnt go to the they take off thet're shells?To stupid j.h. are you a total typing dunce you make alot off mistakes.posted by dm poof chuck norris

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is one reason for the TMNT success. When the G.I Joe toy market collapsed toy designers needed a new cash cow. They thought "If soldiers with guns wont get the job done maybe green turtles with pizza will do the trick, and to mix things up maybe we'll throw in some martial arts action." The end result being robot turtles with lazer eyes and a giant brain in a wheel chair. Cowabunga Dude.

Anonymous said...

Please read the next line in the appropriate saturday morning cartoon theme song tune...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...Heroes in a Half Shell Turtle Power! End Song. I have always loved the Ninja Turtles since I was younger and I am glad they made the list. The mean green fighting machine look like they still are popular and I think its because of one reason. People can relate to their inner turtle and love pizza. Plus I think the villain Shredder is a metaphor for the bad things that happen in life and people know this and can relate to it.

Anonymous said...

you can wax intellectual all you want, but the bottom line is that the turtles move merch. I am just surprised that they have not been teamed up with a pizza chain. TMNT pizza could dominate the pizza market. Maybe this is all the business classes talking, but the turtles are green in more than one way, I think you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

You must have been a Casey Jones Fan.

Anonymous said...

No, actually Usagi Yojimbo. Turtles who can save the world is a ridiculous idea, but Samarai Rabbits, now that a great idea.

Anonymous said...

You must have missed the episode where Leonardo accidentally cut Usagi Yo Jimbo in Half when they were sparring and ended him. Turtles saving the world now that's a great idea!

Anonymous said...

You must not be following me here. I missed alot of episodes because I quite simply was board to tears with TMNT. And the Yo jimbo statement was pure sarcasm. The whole idea sucks. And that's the bottom line. End of conversation. I gotta bowling tournament to win MUNSON.

Anonymous said...

That's not nice to call the Virus Munson! Anywayz your entitled to your opinion to what you think is interesting, have fun doing what you think is interesting like watching paint dry or whatever you do. Long Live TMNT! PS. Don't go into marketing!

Anonymous said...

just to clarify, I just talked to your mother and she said that your full name is Darth Gary Munson. Dont bring the virus into this sonnie.

Anonymous said...

That's not my name. I'm leaving this blog.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm back. Long Live TMNT!