Monday, February 12, 2007

19th Hero

At this rate I'll be done sometime in April.

And the 19th hero goes to,

Spike Spiegel

Points: 41

# of votes: 3

Range: 11th - 3rd place

Note: first one voted 3rd place

Spike Spiegel is the cool main character in the hit anime series Cowboy Bebop. It takes place in the future where the planets have been colonized. Born on Mars and a former mafia agent, Spike now works as a bounty hunter, or, as they are called in the future, a cowboy. He flies around the solar system on a small ship called the Bebop.

Spike is a man of many talents; which include marshal arts that can take out a group of guards with little effort. His marshal art is based around high-powerful kicks. He also is good with the slight of hand that helps him pick pockets. Spike can pilot a fighter jet with exceptional skill. Another talent worth mentioning is if marksmanship. Spike can shoot his way out of most situations even highly outnumbered and out gunned.

Why is he cool? Because….. He is cool. The definition of cool. It just seems to be one of his dominate qualities. And I don’t mean cool as in school jock who picks on nerds for fun; I mean cool as in laid back and not give a crap about what anyone less thinks of you. He is relaxed even to the point of sometime being lazy. He is cool under the toughest situations (except when Julia is involved). Though he can lose his temper when things don’t go his way, or when someone just betters him. When he loses it he is funny. When he has it together, he makes his decisions with his gut and follows through despite the odds.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy Spike made the list.Every comment made of him is quite true. Spike is definition cool. Posted by:D.M.

J. H. said...

good, DM, you finally agree with me.

R.C. said...

Spike is cool, and I am glad he made it on, even if he wasn't on my list (probably would have been around #25 on mine if they went that far)

DM, you should sing up for an account. that way you won't ahve to keep typign Posted by DM

Anonymous said...

spike is a girl.......really

Anonymous said...

Mr. Peanut will kick his ...

Anonymous said...

Spike is a man he is boiling over with manliness. Spike is a guy not a girl I am very serious.Posted by:D.M.

Anonymous said...

yup..... pretty sure he's a girl. He doesn't have facial hair. I've never seen him shave once.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, hes a guy in every sense of the word, if you compare him to any other anime hero. If you compare him to anyone elese he's an underdeveloped highschool girl, but i'm sure he is set to hit puberty any day now. I know about these things, I am a doctor.