Sunday, February 11, 2007

19th Villain

Lets keep the ball rolling.

The nineteenth villain is.

The Borg

Points: 37

# of voters: 4

Range: 16th - 6th place

“We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender you ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” -The Borg (Star Trek: First Contact.)

I know the Borg are not one person but I posted in the rules I stated that races in science fiction will count as villains. You might also note that the Borg had the same points as Liquid Snake, so I had a few friends vote who would win (I did this with all the ties) and the Borg out did Liquid. Yes they are both cool, but liquid wanted to start a war, the Borg want to assimilate the universe. Plus the Borg would walk all over Liquid even if he was piloting Rex. Also the Borg think as one person.

Who are the Borg? They are a cybernetic race from the series Star Trek. They go throughout the universe conquering every race they could find. They conquered by turning people into one of the Borg through injecting nanoprobes, or "assimilate" them. In this same way they can assimilate ships, computers and other technology. The Borg have a collective conscience and share all the knowledge with each other. When they assimilate someone or something, they take all the knowledge and technology. In this way, they advance their own technology far beyond all other races. They are cold hearted and reason only like robots. Their only thought is to conquer and assimilate others. Their name is feared by all races in the universe.

In other words, they are a cool and frightening villain. If one of their ships enters your territory, you send every one of your space vessels to try to fight them off. They are that powerful. If a few enter your ship or planet, they can assimilate your friends and turn them against you. They could assimilate a leader and know your nations secrets. They are one race of people you pray you never meet.


Anonymous said...

The borg... Pah.Any species who can be beaten by a frenchy is weak in my book, a cool frenchy but a frenchy none the less.Talk about a weak stupid villain c'mon cube ships, laser pointers on their heads, and they even sleep so vulnerable.I'm sorry but Liquid Snake could whip their butts into Volcan territory.Liquid is 19th in my book because he's cooler and harder to kill. posted by:D.M.

J. H. said...

Harder to kill. Liquid wouldn’t die, he would be assimilated. Him and his stupid arm. Me may kill a few of them, but what could he really do? He can fight the whole world but one so could one Borg ship. Liquids best weapon? A nude. A potato gun compared to Borg technology. If wouldn’t scratch a cube ship. The would just shoot Rex from outer space assimilate the foxhound members, find out Liquids secrets, take over his “Outer Heaven” and send him crying home to his crumpets. Liquids cool, but he is no universe dominating villain. And Picard might be French but he’s Czechoslovak in my book.

Anonymous said...

No one can respect a guys opinion anymore. Free speach... not on enter the virus. Posted By:D.M.

J. H. said...

I respect your free speach, if I didn't then I would not allow you to post a comment. I was just using my free speak to disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you didn't allow me to already.Oh yah and I guess you forgot bullets kill borg better than phasers.The borg could never get in 5 miles of rex.Posted By:D.M.

J. H. said...

Before I tell you that you are mistaken again, I would like to point out that the fact that we are arguing would Liquid snake beat the Borg, is kind of ridicules. But being a dork knight of the steve, and wanting to bother you more (Because you know I’m right and that bothers you.) I’ll keep the argument going.

There are a few problems with your last argument. One, for the sake of the argument, lets say that bullets do work on the Borg. It is still whole race of beings what have far greater weapons. They could destroy his base and weapons from outer space. All Liquid could do is run away because he is out numbered by thousands because the Borg just assimilated his men. May be he could survive but only running away.

Second, bullets don’t work better than phasers. Picard used then in a holodeck in “First Contanct” and it did work. But you forgot that it take a few time before the borg can adapt to a weapon they haven’t fought against a bullet weapon before that time in the movie. Afterware, the crew could of made bullet weapons from their explicators but they didn’t because they knew that the Borg probably adapted to them by now. Each Borg force field would have been adapted to the bullet guns and since you can’t change the frequency of a bullet, no bullet from any gun would work against them. So Liquid could kill two or three of them like Picard but that would be it.

And the other argument you used is that the Borg couldn’t get Five miles of Rex but you didn’t say why. Of course they could, they would just beam right next to it and assimilate it with one touch. And they don’t even need to get that close, they could destroy it from their Space Craft. And what could Rex do about it. It has nukes but that would scratch a Borg ship (if it can get to it.)

Don’t get me wrong, liquid rocks. He rules and deserves to be on the list. Rex rocks too. But the Borg are also cool and would take Liquid is a war (I’m sure he could escape from them with ease he wouldn’t win the fight.). Also the Borg beat them in the tie vote; I know that you weren’t involved in the tie vote but you could of put Liquid higher on your list and then it wouldn’t of even gone to a tie vote.

Anonymous said...

I could take liquid snake with just a rubberband gun, a paper clip, and a banana peel. Seriously weak. but then again the borg aren't much better. I could take them too. A little salt, a little water.... and they rust! The rust spreads like a cancer! Boo-ya! The ships fall from the sky. And if that doesn't work, and EMP would.

J. H. said...

Stay out of this Allen

Anonymous said...

HAHA! It's not Allan, It's Quiet

Anonymous said...

who's liquid snake again???

Unknown said...

D.M. doesn't know what he is talking about.

Unknown said...

Resistance is futile!

Manos Mantzas said...

Some of the Borg however are hot! Like Seven of Nine for instance... ;-)