Saturday, February 17, 2007

17th Hero

And the 17th hero is:


Point: 43

# of voters: 5

Range: 18th to 2nd place

Lets face it, our currant leaders are sponsored by and serve billionaires. For a long time we have not had an honest and noble leader. A lot of us wonder what it would be like to have a leader who was honorable and had the peoples interests in heart. Even thought he was a fictional character, Aragorn had those qualities. He was a leader we wished we had. (By the way, go to to find out how you can fight billion dollar elections. The link here.)

Unless you thought those small hobbits were the main characters in J. R. R. Tolkein’s books “The Lord of the Rings”, Aragorn was the main hero of the trilogy. Or maybe Boromir but that is another argument. In the Lord of the Rings, Aragorn was the heir to the thrown of the great country Gondor, but because his ancestor failed the kingdom (and the world, Middle-earth, in general), Aragorn was afraid that he, too, would fail as well. So instead he rejected the opportunity to take his rightful place and became a ranger under the name Strider. He roamed around the world keeping a close eye at the evil at hand. When the time came, he decided to help four hobbits on their quest to destroy the one ring that held the power of the most evil creator in their world, Sauron. When the hobbits broke away from the group, Aragorn got caught up in the struggle over Middle-earth and he was the only one who could save his people and unit Gondor. Aragorn fought his fears and lead his people from the certain doom to victor.

Aragorn has the characteristics of a true hero and a great king. He cares for his comrades and puts his life on the line to protect them, always putting others before himself. He amkes wise decisions quickly in times of danger and stands for what was right despite objections. Aragorn is both kind and stern. He fought his fears and succeeded where his ancestors failed.

Other reasons Aragorn rocks? Well being a ranger is cool enough as it is. Also, in the movie where he was played by actor Viggo Mortensen, he was seemed to be able to chop of an orcs head in the middle of battle with ease. And lets not forget that he stole the heart of an elf chick.


Anonymous said...

I'm partial to Boromier myself but Aaragorn is still pretty cool.Many storys tell of a perfect king this would be one of the better ones. Posted By:D.M.

Anonymous said...

I would have put him higher on the list if he would have offed the two halflings in the first movie and spared us the agonizing trip to mordor.